Don’t let errors get in the way of telling your story

We all have a story to tell. It may be a blog post, a novel, or a cover letter to a prospective employer. It is not easy to get your story on a blank piece of paper (or a blank screen), but when you do, you should feel proud and celebrate—but then get a second pair of eyes to help you edit it before you hit publish or send.
Why? When it is your own writing, it’s difficult to see errors or even missing chunks of information. As the writer, you‘re likely too close to the work to give it a proper edit. Editors and proofreaders are unbiased parties who can help you identify missing information and catch common errors.
True, some errors can have happy endings. Take, for example, the name Google. When Larry Page went to register the domain name for the search engine, instead of typing “googolplex,” he accidentally typed “Google” and ended up liking it. The rest is proverbial history. Other errors could have disastrous ramifications—a medical journal nearly committed libel by referring to a therapist as “the rapist.” Fortunately, an eagle-eyed worker noticed the wayward space prior to publication.
Sometimes, your words need a little extra help, a step before proofreading, which is where copyediting and line editing come in. This is where we can work together to help polish your message and story, allowing it to reach your audience.
Ready for Your Edit?
If you would like help with your story, contact me—it would be my pleasure to help you tell it. Before you decide if you want to work with me, please feel free to get to know me! Visit my “About” page if you would like to know my story.